Have you got your garlic planted? (Unpublished)


Submitted by Member 1447 on Mon, 23/05/2022 - 11:56

If not, you should get it in the ground now. Traditionally you plant on the shortest day and harvest on the longest but that is in the northern hemisphere. Here we can have dry weather in early summer so if you give it a head start it will do better.
Garlic is the best way to boost your immune system - so important these days. It works best if eaten raw and I find it too hot/strong to chew so I swallow a small clove or small pieces every morning, with lots of water.
If it is cooked the important active properties are mostly lost.
The smell of garlic on the breath is much reduced by eating plenty of  parsley after wards which is also very good for  you, containing vitamin 'C' and iron, both needed together.
Garlic needs plenty of feeding with organic matter added to good soil. Also good drainage. Grow in pots or in the ground. Near roses keeps the aphids down.
Do it before the ground gets too cold.  Choose the biggest healthy cloves. Just Google "planting garlic" and you will find lots of advice. Happy gardening.

Expiring: 23/08/2022 - 00:00