Get Started
It’s free to join.
Interested in joining?
Click on this link here and you can begin the application process with us today!
Want to find out more?
Email us at with your contact details. Or phone 03 423 0456. We will then get in touch with you. You’ll be invited along to a one hour long orientation session where you will learn more about our timebank and how to go about trading.
Can we join as a couple or family?
Yes you can. The choice is yours. You can join as a couple or family. It might be that later on you decide to have separate member accounts. For example, sometimes families join up on one member account, but then the children decide that they want their own account. Time credits are transferable throughout the system, so it is also a simple process to transfer some of the hours through as well, if you wish.

“Timebank has been a wonderful way for us as new residents in Rolleston to meet lots of great folk who have similar passions – DIY, organic growing, skill sharing. We have had opportunity to help other folk with their projects & gardening & enjoyed the great times of social interaction.
Looking forward to many more years of community connection & co-operation.
Thanks for all the support.”
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